5 Ways to Manage Weeds Around Trees

15 October 2021
 Categories: , Blog


Weeds in the yard are rarely welcome, but they can be especially difficult to overcome beneath trees. Fortunately, there are some techniques that can help.

1. Shallow Cultivation

The main challenge when weeds encroach beneath a tree is removing the weeds without disturbing the tree's surface roots. Shallow cultivation is the key to minimising such damage. Instead of mechanical tillers or spades, rely on hand cultivating tools and hoes that only break up the top couple of inches of the soil. Any tree root damage will be minimal, but the tilling should be sufficient to uproot and kill young weeds.

2. Sucker Prevention

Often the weed problem is produced by the tree or nearby trees and shrubs. Some tree varieties, like Robinia and tree of heaven, are well known for their propensity to send up suckers. Controlling weedy sucker growth requires an integrated approach. Your weed service will likely treat the suckers with a herbicide to reduce their growth, but you may need to remove the problem trees or keep on top of cutting off suckers as soon as they grow in. 

3. Mulching

One of the best ways to choke out weeds beneath trees, while also improving the look of your yard, is mulch. Natural mulches, such as those made from wood chips, can suppress most weeds if they are laid in a layer that is several centimetres thick. There are also mulch mats specifically designed for use beneath trees. These mats suppress all weeds while still allowing moisture to seep through to feed the tree roots below.

4. Targeted Herbicides

Herbicide use beneath landscape trees can be challenging, as the herbicides must pose no risk to the tree in question. Generally, topical herbicides that target the above-ground portions of the weeds while also not persisting in the soil are the ideal option for managing weeds around a tree. A weed management professional should be consulted prior to herbicide use to ensure that the chemicals won't harm the tree. 

5. Border Exclusion

Young trees in particular are prone to being overcome by weed competition since they have yet to establish a deep root system. Herbicide usage may also be contraindicated because young trees may be more susceptible to them. Installing an edging border made of rubber or a similar material can prevent weed roots, including those from nearby grasses, from encroaching on the tree. Combine the border with mulch for even better weed management.

Contact a weed management and landscaping service if you require more assistance.